
Old News / / 廢物舊的消息

Photo of us setting up at Spring Scream while Jimi gamely reads the not terribly flattering review of Dribdas in the Ugly American. photo by one of the thousands of dedicated Feiwu groupies

Spring Scream 1999 rocked. Thanks to Jimi and Wade for doing a great job organizing. And thanks to everyone who came and supported us - and survived the mosh pit.

Feiwu has gone international! Feiwu has agreed to allow Music Colony Bi-weekly(MCB) to distribute & market Feiwu in HongKong. MCB has done great work distributing and marketing for Sober(mainland, china), The Fly, Feng & 3rd Nova, Chen Hui & Wang Lei, so we think they'll do a pretty good job.

The CD is done and available in a store near you. 物以類聚 - 販賣地點

Ian's house burnt down (and it's ok to talk about it now because he told his parents). All of his stuff was burnt and ruined so if you see him tell him how good he looks in Bob's shirt. Also buy him a couple beers and tell him that his crazy plan for next year is a really really bad idea.

Yeah, we know, the little number counter on the front page keeps resetting to zero. We're not sure why, but we think that what's happening is that every month or so we get a really big day when about 9,999,457 people hit the site and it flips the counter over.

If you see all kinds of nonsense characters all over this site it's because your computer isn't set up to read Chinese. Don't worry. My chinese stinks. You're not missing anything.

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(C) 1998 Feiwu, All rights reserved.